Patients with diabetes have a high incidence of foot ulceration related to neuropathy and ischaemia leading to an amputation rate of 40%. Early prevention strategies have been found to be cost effective. NHS Highland developed evidence based clinical guidelines, with a need to increase ease of access, familiarly and application by healthcare professionals involved in care of the patients with diabetes. The Scottish Diabetes Improvement Plan 2014 pledges to ensure delivery of consistent, high quality diabetes education. This work delivers a collaborative, inter-professional educational intervention that is accessible and inclusive for staff whilst offering opportunities to network and connect with Specialists and peers. Lead diabetes clinicians collaborated with RRHEAL studying how existing guidelines could be shared, supporting improved application and earlier referral. Video conferencing was an accessible medium by which engagement is shared. Expert knowledge existed within the team to deliver case based approaches across an annual programme supporting critical review. Presentations were educational and instructive in terms of guideline application. Inter professional teams engaged by VC to networked sessions. Case based discussion was person focused and guideline specific. Participants report increased levels of knowledge? rated significantly the network opportunity? rated VC delivery excellent or good and would share the opportunity with others. Take home message – Technology augments educational 'reach' for distributed teams. Guidelines must be accessible and familiar for clinical impact.
This abstract was presented at the Innovative Solutions in Remote Healthcare - 'Rethinking Remote' conference, 23-24 May 2016, Inverness, Scotland.