Book Review

Beyond the Divide: women's experiences in rural Victorian psychiatric rehabilitation services


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David Wilkinson
1 DSc, Deputy Head *


* David Wilkinson


1 School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


11 August 2005 Volume 5 Issue 3


RECEIVED: 8 August 2005

ACCEPTED: 11 August 2005


Wilkinson D.  Beyond the Divide: women's experiences in rural Victorian psychiatric rehabilitation services. Rural and Remote Health 2005; 5: 476.


© David Wilkinson 2005 A licence to publish this material has been given to ARHEN,

Beyond the Divide: Women's experiences in rural Victorian psychiatric rehabilitation services

NewParadigm Press, 2004
Marg Brooks
100 pages, soft cover (A5 size)
RRP A$24.00
ISBN: 0 9751656 2 3

It is always a significant pleasure for me to read the research done by health service staff, especially senior managers. For me, seeing such people do research well is so much of what academic medicine is all about. Invariably the research done is of significance and relevance.

This book is an account of Marg Brooks's research for a masters in social work degree - Marg is Director of Community Services at St Luke's which provides community mental health services in regional Victoria, Australia. The work grew from research done that explored the experiences of women using various rehabilitation services, especially home-based outreach services in the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria.

Following a useful literature review, the research findings are summarised in a series of sections in the book, and the text then closes with some sensible and useful recommendations.

Overall, this short book, is an easy and interesting read, and is a very good example of making strong research accessible.

David Wilkinson, DSc
School of Medicine
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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