
Correction, article no. 666: Decision criteria in health professionals choosing a rural practice setting: development of the Careers in Rural Health Tracking Survey (CIRHTS)


8 January 2008 Volume 8 Issue 1


RECEIVED: 8 January 2008

ACCEPTED: 8 January 2008


Richmond J, Fuller J, Fletcher S, Birden H, Page Mitchell S, Kostal K, Wagner S, Schultz L.  Correction, article no. 666: Decision criteria in health professionals choosing a rural practice setting: development of the Careers in Rural Health Tracking Survey (CIRHTS). Rural and Remote Health 2008; 8: 935.


© Jennifer Richmond, Jeffrey Fuller, Susan Fletcher, Hudson Birden, Sue Page Mitchell, Karen Kostal, Scott Wagner, Luke Schultz 2008 A licence to publish this material has been given to ARHEN,

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Rural and Remote Health readers are advised that the following correction has been made to:

Schofield D, Fuller J, Fletcher S, Birden H, Page S, Kostal K, Wagner S, Schultz L. Decision criteria in health professionals choosing a rural practice setting: development of the Careers in Rural Health Tracking Survey (CIRHTS). Rural and Remote Health 7: 666. (Online) 2007. Available: (Published 17 July 2007).

A sentence has been added to the Method section: 'Some questions (such as questions 13, 14, 17 and 21; Appendix) were taken or modified from previously published questionnaires in order to make the survey comparable with other data sources25, 26.'

An additional reference has been inserted into the reference list as reference 26:

Committee of Deans of Australian Medical Schools (CDAMS). Medical Schools Outcomes Database project 2005: Commencing Medical Students Questionnaire. (Online) 2007. Available:
(Accessed 7 January 2007).