qualifications: BHSci/BSocSci
contribution: designed the project, devised survey tool, collected data, wrote the first draft, statistical analysis, literature review
position: Research officer
Elouise is an early career researcher having completed a Bachelor of Health Science in Public Health and a Bachelor of Social Science in Environment and Population in 2011. During her studies she persued interests in rural health and is currently in her final year in becoming a qualified Registered Nurse.
qualifications: MBBS, MD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, literature review, supervised data collection, contributed to drafts
position: Professor of Rural Health
Professor Jonathan Newbury has held the position of Professor of Rural Health at the University of Adelaide since February 2006. His previous academic responsibilities have been the Rural Undergraduate Support and Coordination program (1997 to 2006) and the Rural Clinical School (2002-2006) and he continues in part time general practice at the Investigator Clinic, Port Lincoln. Professor Newbury has undertaken substantial empirically based research, using a variety of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. His MD thesis was a randomised controlled trial of preventive Health Assessment of the people aged 75 years and over (75+HA). This research work included GP supervision of nurses providing home assessments was the Australian evidence base for the introduction of the Enhanced Primary Care policy and the Medicare item number for 75+HA. Internationally this evidence is included in the latest systematic review and meta-analysis of preventive aged care in primary health care. Professor Newbury's work in rural medical education has been part of the Australian governments Rural Health Strategy. While this is starting to deliver a new rural health workforce this is no longer seen as the only solution to adequate health workforce for rural and indigenous Australia. Hence his future research is directed to models of health service delivery in communities in partnership with Country Health SA. Through the development of these roles Professor Newbury brings an in-depth understanding of the relationships between clinical service delivery of primary health care and primary health care policy, especially in the areas of multi disciplinary practice and training, and workforce planning and training.
qualifications: FRACGP, MD
contribution: original concept, literature review, contributed to drafts, supervised data collection
position: Academic coordinator
my research interests are in diabetes care in the community, Aboriginal health service delivery, and medical education
Continuous quality improvement engagement among rural physicians
Politics, policy and action: lessons from rural GP advocacy in Ireland
Wolastoqiyik adaptation of the Aaniish Naa Gegii
WONCA South Asia Region Conference 2025, 4–6 April 2025, Bengaluru, India
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WONCA Asia Pacific Region Conference 2025: Primary Care Transformation; Implementing High-value, High-quality Care!, 24–27 April 2025, Busan Korea
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9th European Young Family Doctors' Movement (EYFDM Forum), 25–27 April 2025, Grande Région
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Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network's National Rural Health Conference, 1–3 May 2025, Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
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The Global Advanced Practice Summit: Improving Healthcare and Building Global Collaboration, 13 May 2025, online
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NRHA 30th Health Equity Conference, 19–20 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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NRHA 48th Annual Rural Health Conference, 20–23 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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2025 International Rural Nursing Conference, 27–30 May 2025, Arlington, TX, USA
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BC Rural Health Conference 2025, 6–8 June 2025, Prince George, BC, Canada
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
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14th EURIPA Rural Health Forum. Rural Reformation: Meeting Wellbeing and Healthcare Needs in Rural Communities, 26–28 June 2025, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
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Rethinking Remote 2025: Scotland's Rural Health Conference
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16th National Allied Health Conference: Empowering lives, shaping healthcare, 11–14 August 2025, Adelaide, Australia
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WONCA World Conference 2025: New Vision for Primary Health Care and Sustainable Development, 17–21 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
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NRHA 23rd Rural Health Clinic Conference, 23–24 September 2025, Kansas, MO, USA
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2025 Health Leadership Congress, 22–24 October 2025, Darwin, Australia
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Rural Mental Health Conference 2025 (RMHC25), 5–7 November 2025, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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4th EURACT Medical Education Conference, 23–25 April 2026, Iasi, Romania
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9th WONCA Africa Region Conference 2026, 10 & 11 September 2026, Gaborone, Botswana
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18th National Rural Health Conference, 14–17 September 2026, Adelaide, SA, Australia