qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, supervised data collection, contributed to drafts, contributed to drafts
position: Professor
My academic background spans clinical medicine, public health, & health services management. I have expertise across a range of disciplinary areas, and taught across a variety of units in public health, health management, international health, health promotion, health sciences and research methodologies - and across a range of courses and awards from Bachelors and Masters to Doctoral students. I have published extensively in high quality international journals and positively reviewed books: 6 book chapters, 64 refereed papers, 11 refereed conference proceedings and other scholarly works. I also have presented papers at over 70 research conferences. Many of my research publications are widely cited, with 1,946 citations to 102 published works in Google Scholar with an H-index of 26 and i10-index of 36 (Feb 2014).
qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, contributed to drafts
position: Associate professor
Social Work academic with research interests in suicide, suicide bereavement, trauma and loss, mental health, high risk young people.
qualifications: PhD
contribution: literature review, contributed to drafts
position: SEN
Dr Sally Hunter is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Rural Medicine at the University of New England, Australia.
qualifications: PhD
contribution: wrote the first draft
position: Postdoctoral researcher
Abstracts from the 15th National Rural & Remote Allied Health Conference (SARRAH 2024)
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Managing multisystem parechovirus infection in a neonate
WONCA South Asia Region Conference 2025, 4–6 April 2025, Bengaluru, India
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WONCA Asia Pacific Region Conference 2025: Primary Care Transformation; Implementing High-value, High-quality Care!, 24–27 April 2025, Busan Korea
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9th European Young Family Doctors' Movement (EYFDM Forum), 25–27 April 2025, Grande Région
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Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network's National Rural Health Conference, 1–3 May 2025, Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
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The Global Advanced Practice Summit: Improving Healthcare and Building Global Collaboration, 13 May 2025, online
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NRHA 30th Health Equity Conference, 19–20 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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NRHA 48th Annual Rural Health Conference, 20–23 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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2025 International Rural Nursing Conference, 27–30 May 2025, Arlington, TX, USA
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BC Rural Health Conference 2025, 6–8 June 2025, Prince George, BC, Canada
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
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14th EURIPA Rural Health Forum. Rural Reformation: Meeting Wellbeing and Healthcare Needs in Rural Communities, 26–28 June 2025, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
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Rethinking Remote 2025: Scotland's Rural Health Conference
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16th National Allied Health Conference: Empowering lives, shaping healthcare, 11–14 August 2025, Adelaide, Australia
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WONCA World Conference 2025: New Vision for Primary Health Care and Sustainable Development, 17–21 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
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NRHA 23rd Rural Health Clinic Conference, 23–24 September 2025, Kansas, MO, USA
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2025 Health Leadership Congress, 22–24 October 2025, Darwin, Australia
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Rural Mental Health Conference 2025 (RMHC25), 5–7 November 2025, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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4th EURACT Medical Education Conference, 23–25 April 2026, Iasi, Romania
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9th WONCA Africa Region Conference 2026, 10 & 11 September 2026, Gaborone, Botswana
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18th National Rural Health Conference, 14–17 September 2026, Adelaide, SA, Australia