qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, literature review, supervised data collection, contributed to drafts
position: Professor
Prof Robyn Clark Professor of Nursing Acute Care & Cardiovascular Research RN, RM, ICUCert, Dip AppSci, BN, MEd, PhD, ACCCN (Life Member),FCNA, FAHA. Adjunct Prof School of Nursing and Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI) QUT |Adjunct Sansom Institute, UniSA. Research Fellow SAHMRI. Research Interests: CVD, Heart Failure, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Telehealth, Geographical Information Systems, Indigenous Health
qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, literature review, contributed to drafts
position: Pro Vice-Chancellor
Dr Bronwyn Fredericks is a Research Fellow with the Centre for Clinical Research Excellence, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) and the Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University. She has worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled health services in elected and paid positions and local, State and Federal levels of government.
qualifications: BSc(Health)
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, literature review, collected data, input data, contributed to drafts
position: Reserach Assistant
qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, contributed to drafts
position: Research Fellow
qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, contributed to drafts
position: Assistant Professor
qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, contributed to drafts
position: Professor Emeritus
qualifications: PhD
contribution: statistical analysis, literature review, wrote the first draft, contributed to drafts
position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Narelle Berry is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Flinders University. Her doctoral training was in cardiovascular physiology and her previous postdoctoral training was in hypertension, blood vessel function (peripheral and cerebral) and nutrition. Dr Berry has experience working in public health in the state government largely in data, evaluation and health promotion (in the area of obesity, nutrition and physical activity). Her current research interests are focused on secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, including the relationship between chronic conditions and cancer, access to cardiac rehabilitation, and the use of new technologies for providing patient education.
qualifications: MBBS
contribution: original concept, designed the project, contributed to drafts
position: Director
contribution: original concept, supervised data collection, contributed to drafts
position: Chief Executive Officer
Pilot study of a cognitive behavioral therapy skills intervention for rural adults
Transitioning to rural practice together: a rural fellowship model (in 6 Ps)
NRHA 36th Rural Health Policy Institute, 11–13 February 2025, Washington, DC, USA
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RWAV Conference 2025: Dreaming Big and Driving Change in Rural Healthcare, 19–21 February 2025, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
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2025 European Forum on Prevention and Primary Care, 5 & 6 March 2025, Zagreb, Croatia
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WONCA South Asia Region Conference 2025, 4–6 April 2025, Bengaluru, India
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WONCA Asia Pacific Region Conference 2025: Primary Care Transformation; Implementing High-value, High-quality Care!, 24–27 April 2025, Busan Korea
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9th European Young Family Doctors' Movement (EYFDM Forum), 25–27 April 2025, Grande Région
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National Rural Health Conference 2025, 2–3 May 2025, Ōtautahi Christchurch, New Zealand
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NRHA 30th Health Equity Conference, 19–20 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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NRHA 48th Annual Rural Health Conference, 20–23 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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2025 International Rural Nursing Conference, 27–30 May 2025, Arlington, TX, USA
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BC Rural Health Conference 2025, 6–8 June 2025, Prince George, BC, Canada
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
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14th EURIPA Rural Health Forum. Rural Reformation: Meeting Wellbeing and Healthcare Needs in Rural Communities, 26–28 June 2025, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
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Rethinking Remote 2025: Scotland's Rural Health Conference
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WONCA World Conference 2025: New Vision for Primary Health Care and Sustainable Development, 17–21 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
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NRHA 23rd Rural Health Clinic Conference, 23–24 September 2025, Kansas, MO, USA
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Rural Mental Health Conference 2025 (RMHC25), 5–7 November 2025, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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4th EURACT Medical Education Conference, 23–25 April 2026, Iasi, Romania
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9th WONCA Africa Region Conference 2026, 10 & 11 September 2026, Gaborone, Botswana
web link
18th National Rural Health Conference, 14–17 September 2026, Adelaide, SA, Australia