Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Rural generalist medicine: a developing approach to health care in rural and island Japan

Nicholas S Schubert

Mr Nicholas Schubert ORCID logo

qualifications: Masters

contribution: Study conception and design, Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Drafting of manuscript

position: PhD Candidate, Researcher

Nick is a PhD candidate with James Cook University. His field of research is international comparisons of Rural Generalist Medicine, identifying similarities and differences based on context and environment, as a strategy toward improving healthcare in rural, remote and island settings.

Takara  Tsuzaki

Ms Takara Tsuzaki ORCID logo

qualifications: MSc

contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision, Critical revision

position: Doctoral Research Associate, PhD Student

Takara Tsuzaki is a Doctoral Research Associate at Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Evaluation at Western Michigan University, USA. Takara has worked extensively in the field of social and economic research, monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning, and project management in all 4 sectors: academic institutions, public sector, private sector and nonprofit sector. Educational background: B.A. in anthropology and international studies and MSc. in Non-governmental Organizational Management and Social Policy.

Rebecca  Evans

A/Prof Rebecca Evans ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision

position: Associate Dean, Health Services Researcher


Tarun  Sen Gupta

Prof Tarun Sen Gupta ORCID logo

qualifications: FACRRM, PhD

contribution: Critical revision, Critical revision

position: Head of Clinical School


Prof Tarun Sen Gupta is Dean and Academic Head (Acting) and Head of the Townsville Clinical School at the James Cook University College of Medicine and Dentistry, North Queensland, Australia. He was in rural practice in Richmond, north-west Queensland from 1987-1993, and has worked in rural medical education since 1993. He is a Rural Generalist Training Adviser for Queensland's Rural Generalist Pathway, a board member of the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland, and Chair of the ACRRM Education Council.

Sarah  Larkins

Prof Sarah Larkins ORCID logo

qualifications: FRACGP

contribution: Critical revision, Critical revision

position: Health Systems Researcher


I'm a GP and Health Systems Researcher in Townsville, working at James Cook University.

Kristine  M Battye

Dr Kristine Battye

qualifications: PhD, GAICD

contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision

position: Managing Director

Dr Kristine Battye is the Managing Director of KBC Australia, a public policy consulting firm specialising in policy analysis, program evaluation and strategic advice to governments and non-government organisations. As an applied researcher, Kristine understands research methodology, tailoring it to the real world requirements of program evaluation, needs assessments, service and program modelling and re-design. Kristine has extensive experience across the health landscape and has designed and led in excess of 150 projects at the national, state-wide, regional and local level. Kristine has undertaken a range of projects to develop new rural and remote services and programs as well as rural workforce development strategies

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