department: Family Medicine
1. Clinical informatics - how do clinicians use information systems and resources at the point of care. 2. Simulation in various forms - virtual patients, hi performance mannequins. 3. Rural aspects of the above - eg how you make simulation resources accessible for rural and remote communities, how can you use network collaboration tools to enable remote clinicians and educators to be better teachers and practitioners. 4. Interprofessional education, esp teams in small community environment.
Personal View 17 February 2005
COVID-19 in endangered Indigenous groups from the Amazonia, Ecuador
Experiences of rural Australian men with online SMART Recovery mutual-help groups
Attraction and retention of nurses in rural, remote and isolated locations
Obstetric outcomes across US urban and rural hospitals
11th Biennial Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress (PRIDoC) 2024, 2–6 December 2024, Kaurna Country, Adelaide, Australia
web link
Te Tāreitanga: Evolving understanding of health workforce research, 9 December 2024, Dunedin, NZ, and online
web link
4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
web link